As cotton’s advocate since 1956, we’re on the front lines so producers can stay in the fields. We serve our mission through legislative activities, research objectives, promotion and service.
2024 Annual Report
Plains Cotton Growers promotes and protects the interests of Texas High Plains cotton producers.
It’s Our Honor To Serve You
The services we provide membership and industry include:
– Visiting all member gins routinely to provide updates on PCG policy, promotion and research activities,
-Coordinating meetings with Cotton Council International, National Cotton Council and Cotton Incorporated,
-Providing education opportunities through our quarterly board meetings and annual meeting,
-Representing producers at industry meetings with partner industry groups like Plains Cotton Cooperative Association, Farmers Cooperative Compress, PYCO Industries, Inc., Chamber of Commerce, etc.,
-Speaking at industry events,
-Weekly newsletter to provide continual communication with membership.
Industry meetings were attended by PCG representatives.
An estimated 50,000 miles were driving by our field services division to visit member gins.
emails were sent from the PCG communications division.